Monday, June 6, 2011


now that june is upon us, i thought i would post a project that i finished nearly 2 months ago.

Friday, February 25, 2011

My Beloved Children ~Swami Kripalvanandaji (Bapuji)

Break your heart no longer.
Each time you judge yourself,
You break your own heart.
You stop feeding on the Love,
Which is the wellspring of your Vitality.
The time has come.
Your time
To Live,
To celebrate, and
To see the goodness that you are.
You, my children, are Divine.
You are Pure, and
You are sublimely free.
You are God in disguise, and
You are always perfectly safe.
Do not fight the dark,
Just turn on the Light.
Let Go
And breathe into the Goodness that you Are.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


it's me...

alive & well, busying myself with little projects and experiments.
still obsessing over dolls, altars and glitter. 


Saturday, January 1, 2011

erica il cane

now and then

a new year trade~
one forgotten black baby doll, who has at last found her home...

for one small oil painting, pull to pieces by faith magdalene austin.

dolls for art, and art for dolls...what could be better. 

on this first day of the new year we stand at the gate of a new beginning, the future.  the past whispers to us to not close it's door, but rather unite the now and then.  only with both parts will our creativity be fueled, and we are set free to dream, manifest and wonder.  
x, c